Comparing Three Assessment Instruments
Order Description
assignment using the attach table. Following the direction by comparing different assessments.
Assignment #1, Part 3
Comparing Three Assessment Instruments
Select three tests that evaluate the same or overlapping area(s) of development.
Introduction: Why did you select these particular tests? Have you had any experience administering any of the tests?
Name of Instrument #1 #2 #3
Date of Publication
Purpose of test
Availability in other languages?
Age(s) test covers
Developmental or Academic Area(s) assessed
Materials Required
Number of Items
Time required to administer
Evaluator requirements (degree; special training?)
Type of score(s) obtained (e.g., mental age; developmental age, standard score, etc.)
Any potential cultural bias?
Normative Sample (if this is a norm-referenced instrument)
Accommodations provided in manual for ESOL students?
Accommodations provided in the manual for children with disabilities?
How is it used by your school/center?
Pros and cons about the test.
Cite your sources and include them in your reference list.
Summary: Compare/contrast tests.